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Monday, May 20, 2013

Network Marketing

I've been involved with several network marketing companies in my life and I love that type of sales for many reasons. First of all if you aren't helping others you don't succeed! I know that some people don't understand the concept, they call it a pyramid scheme (frankly working any job where you cannot promote past your boss if you have the drive and desire to work harder and smarter is what I call a pyramid!) With network marketing you can do better than the person who recruits you and then some!

I love being involved with It Works! Global for many reasons. Their products are fabulous and their pay plan is terrific. I have never sold anything this easy to sell! People buy my samples right out of my purse in public all the time. With other companies you are giving samples away or investing in products for them to try and the only form of payment to you as a distributor is when they place an order.

I haven't hit the first pay period of being in this business and I have sold 14 wraps, gotten 120.00 bonus in products and also rewards that allow me to buy more product for less.  (didn't have to wait to get a bonus after I jumped through hoops and reached a certain level of criteria and then wait again until the pay period)
I have never seen a company that allows you to make money immediately like this! So this makes it easier for those coming into this business who don't have any income currently.

If anyone has any desire to make an income where the sky really is the limit with a product that sells itself
I'm happy to help you get started!

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